
Join QuartzDevs and work on a wide variety of interesting projects in a cozy community where you will have your dedicated mentor.

Full-Stack Engineer

As a Full-Stack Engineer, you will need to be familiar with the frontend, backend and the deployment infrastructure of web applications. You will play a key role in developing and maintaining solutions from end-to-end.

Required skills:

React: General knowledge of React meta-frameworks and tooling.

Preferred tools: Next.js | Tailwind | CSS in JS tools | Redux | React Query

Node.js: General knowledge of backend principles, design patterns and frameworks.

Preferred tools: Express | Nest.js | tRPC | GraphQL (Apollo Server)

Cloud: General knowledge of cloud infrastructure components that are common for web applications.

Preferred tools: AWS | Azure | GCP | Vercel

Typescript: General knowledge of transforming and composing types.

Bonus points for: Total Typescript

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Frontend Engineer

As a Frontend Engineer, you will need to have a deep understanding of React. You will implement design systems and complex UI interactions while keeping the code clean and scaleable.

Required skills:

React meta-frameworks: Understanding of Static Site Generation, Server Side Rendering and Api Routes.

Preferred tools: Next.js | Remix | Gatsby

Styling and component libraries: Advanced CSS, knowledge of component libraries and headless UI libraries.

Preferred tools: Tailwind | CSS in JS tools | Radix UI | MUI | Mantine

Remote data manipulation: Clean and scaleable handling of remote data.

Preferred tools: React Query | SWR

State management: Be able to choose the right state management tool for the given use-case.

Preferred tools: React Context API | Redux | Zustand

Typescript: General knowledge of transforming and composing types.

Bonus points for: Total Typescript

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Schedule a 30-minute initial call with one of our lead engineers to talk about your work experience.

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Kristóf Kovács-Egri linked-in-logo

CEO & Senior Software Engineer

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